Welcome to the adventure… so glad you’re here!
You are making awesome leaps and bounds… congratulations! Use Venture Kids Club and this new lesson as your platform to create your ideas! As you explore and learn some ways to build a good entrepreneurial strategy, use the items here to continue to grow in successful habits and meet others along the journey. If you have not already, get started by listing your business or business idea for free in our Venture Kids Business Directory… click here. Over the next several weeks review more key words and dive into a new projects, apply and challenge your natural skills and abilities while creating new things. If you’ve thought about bringing something of your very own to life, inventing something to use and for others to use, or maybe simply being able to provide someone with something that is a need or want… YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE! You can find the supplementary kit here if you would like an easy access to tools that we will be needing throughout this course. You can also access the Habit Learning Plan here which is highly recommended as a prerequisite to this plan. We’re very excited that you are here continuing this journey with us and can’t wait to have some more fun and grow in these beginning stages of idea creation as a team! Take this opportunity now to introduce yourself in our linkedin group by clicking here. Don’t forget to download your Family Kids Workbook in the “Materials” section.
Find these materials and more in the corresponding week for each lesson as well as the confirmation email. -- Must be registered and logged in to access.
- Kids Workbook (Please find in confirmation email.)
- Snapshot of Entrepreneurs (in workbook)
- Venture Kids Club Combination Poster
- Savings Maze (in workbook)
- Vocabulary Flash Cards