What does it mean to suffer?

In today’s culture we don’t get to experience much real suffering. The extent in which our children have had to suffer in the modern world is a far cry from what it really means to go through the angst and toil of something as simple as putting a meal on the table.

Even as adults we don’t live through the suffering in which our ancestors were privy to and able to manage at a much higher mental and emotional capacity. The truth is the amount of suffering that we endure many times is a direct correlation to the amount of reward that will be received as a result.

So why should we discuss suffering with our kids… especially as it relates to entrepreneurship?

If our children don’t learn what it means to suffer a little, to get the slight sense of delayed gratification, they will give up before they begin. Small things like saying grace before a meal, like walking somewhere instead of driving, or even reading a story prior to seeing the movie are things that can prepare our kids for some of the tougher things as they get older.

Humans are impatient, but the idea of having ideas, of starting something that may fail, or of breaking into an industry that may not happen overnight, takes patience, longsuffering, determination.

What are some ways that you can encourage “suffering” today that will fortify resiliency for your kiddos in the long run?

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