A recent study showed that habits learned before the age of nine are the ones that stick.

When I read this I thought wow I am long off and way overdue for some kind of habit re-construction in my own life!

But I have a chance to redeem this being the parent of a six and seven-year-old. It is something that I took to heart. I knew that if I wanted my kids to perform better habits in their adult life I needed to start right away with them.

A couple things I have started doing to instill better habits in myself and my kids include:

  1. Starting in the morning we will read one chapter of the best success book ever written (Bible).
  1. Following that we also take notes on it and then we just started a children’s personal development program by Caleb Maddox. It’s awesome.
  1. And without our health we really can’t do much … so I’ve prioritized cooking in the kitchen at least three times a week.

Would love to know some things that you do to help instill better habits with your kiddos at an early age, leave your comments below!